Speech and Language
We have our own NHS Speech and Language Therapist on site plus access to our local community Speech and Language Therapist.
Bennerley Fields provides speech and language therapy support for 1 day a week in addition to local Community NHS speech and language therapy.
What we do
The in-house therapist enhances the school by:
- meeting parents and discussing their child’s speech, language and communication needs even when the child doesn’t need direct help from a therapist
- training staff as individuals, small groups or whole school
- working with individuals and groups of children who don’t have Community speech and language therapy, for example, to develop logical thinking; to develop the use of Voice Output Communication Aids in the classroom
- working in the classroom alongside the staff to make sure the pupils have the best possible speech, language and communication support in their everyday learning
- liaising with the Community speech and language therapist to make sure that speech, language and communication targets are integrated into the classroom wherever possible
- providing training to other local special schools.
The local Community speech and language therapist supports pupils who are referred for specific speech, language or communication needs where the pupil’s needs cannot be met by the school staff and resources alone.
“Teachers have very strong partnerships with the school’s speech and language specialists. This has resulted in them using specific questioning strategies in their classrooms that are particular to individual pupils.” (Jan 2015 Ofsted report)