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Bennerley Fields School home page

Bennerley Fields School

Nurture. Support. Aspire. Achieve.


Welcome to Wollaton's class page. We are a vibrant, active KS3 class of 12 students. The staff are Gemma, Amabel, Jackie and Heather.

We are working on building positive relationships, being kind and accepting of each other and learning how to embrace our differences. We celebrate our achievements and work together as a team to earn marbles. When we’ve got all our marbles we can decide as a team what special treat to have, this could be a movie afternoon, trip to the park, games day etc. Pupils can earn dojos points for individual achievements by demonstrating the Bennerley Attitudes.We will also have a student of the week award each week.


We will be exploring a range of topics this year starting with ‘Blue Abyss!’. Our curriculum includes enrichment activities, recognising and expressing our emotions, being safe online, visits out in the community, Forest School and PE.


Maths, English, Science and PSHE will be focused on developing fundamental skills and science will involve lots of exploratory learning by carrying out fun experiments with Kathryn on a Monday morning. 



Important information:

PE is on Mondays with Joe, an specialist PE coach – please provide a change of clothes and suitable footwear for PE

Forest School is in the summer term

Beyond Bennerley is on Thursdays – we will be going out in the community and creating memorable experiences

10.06.2024 Murder Mystery Day - WHO DUNNIT?

09.05.2024 Visit to the National Justice Museum

01.05.2024 Having fun at Elvaston Castle whilst looking for sculptures

01.05.2024 Wollaton class have been busy working on our Enterprise product - making bath bombs!

15.03.2024 Wollaton Class had an amazing time visiting Speedwell Cavern

11.03.2024 Wollaton class have created Pop Art of Mount Vesuvius in the style of Andy Warhol

14.02.2024 Egg Drop Challenge successes and fails with the 'Friends of Bennerley Viaduct.'

13.02.2024 As part of our STEM curriculum Wollaton class had lots of fun making catapults with Graeme

13.02.2024 Wollaton Class joined Elvaston Class on a trip to Evaston castle to coincide with our topic work. We explored the grounds and the castle's features despite the rain and mud, then had a snack in the cafe.

29.01.2024 Wollaton class have been busy leaning about banks and money. We went to Ilkeston Town Centre to explore banks on the high street and then went to Costa to use practise our functional skills using money, checking change and the receipt.

13.12.23 Amazing discoveries were made by Wollaton class when they embarked on their space exploration trip to the National Space Centre.

07.12.23 - Creating canopic jars in DT

06.12.23 - A trip to Wollaton park as our marble rewards

28.11.23 Mummification stations

27.11.23 Wollaton class investigated why Ancient Egyptians used salt to preserve the bodies because it draws the moisture out, we tried this using apples. We left one piece of apple in a cup of salt and one with nothing for a week, the results showed that the apple in nothing started to rot and the one in salt dried out and went wrinkly.

28.11.23 As part of our Beyond Bennerley and Careers curriculum we visited Erewash Sound Radio Station

20.11.23 Wollaton have been busy this term making pyramids out of lego, marsh mallows and spaghetti, learning about height and length

27/10/23 - We dressed up for a spoooooky Halloween day!

19/10/2023 - As part of our blue abyss topic, we visited the National Sea Life Centre in Birmingham.

22.09.23 Well done Wollaton class for all your enthusiasm and effort during 5 for 50 week. Thank you Steve for all your hard work and dedication!