Welcome to Dovedale Class

Dovedale is a Stage 1 class who love to learn through play and sensory exploration. Everyday includes group tasks, 1:1 focused work, independence skills, physical outdoor exploration and developing our social and communication skills with our friends. This year we are looking forward to developing our skills out in the community as part of Beyond Bennerley and other subjects.
Key Information
Swimming - Tuesday afternoon during Autumn 1 and 2. Please send swim wear, a towel and a swim nappy if needed.
Forest School - Tuesday afternoon Spring 1 and 2. Please send your child a full change of clothes including pants, socks and shoes. As the weather during this term will be wet, please provide waterproof clothes and a pair of wellies to keep in school.
PE - Tuesday afternoons during Summer 1 and 2 - Please come to school in comfortable sports clothes and appropriate sports footwear or feel free to send in PE pumps to keep in school.
31/1/25 Dovedale visited a shop as part of Beyond Bennerley. They made their own shopping list befoe leaving, then found their chosen item and payed for it.
06.01.25- Dovedale have had a great time during their first couple of forest school sessions. They have enjoyed exploring the outdoor space, the different activities set up and looking for signs of winter.
Dovedale have had a lovely time celebrating Christmas in class and around school.
19/12/24 Dovedale had a great time at McDonald’s as part of their Beyond Bennerley. We used what we had learnt in class in Maths for money and worked on our Beyond Bennerley outcome of understanding transactions and exchanges.
12/12/24 Dovedale have had a great trip to Rutland Sports Centre with stage 1 on the inflatables, linking to their Beyond Bennerley and PE outcomes.
Dovedale have done some super learning on our feelings using the Zones of Regulation. We talked about what zone we’re in when we feel safe.
Dovedale have been doing some super work on building positive friendships and relationships in PSHE and RSE.
Dovedale have been working hard over the past weeks in maths during the autumn term.
11/10/24-Hello Yellow-We have enjoyed wearing clothes that make us happy and carrying out different activities as part of ‘Hello Yellow’ day
8/10/24-Dovedale have had a great time learning about our story ‘Whatever Next!’
7/10/24 Dovedale have taken their science learning outside today. Exploring nature and following a simple map to find the animals hiding around Forest School.