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Bennerley Fields School home page

Bennerley Fields School

Nurture. Support. Aspire. Achieve.



Makaton signs for autumn, October, Halloween, cold, tree, orange and brown.

Summer holiday signs

Signs for 'summer', 'holidays', 'I love holiday', 'no school', 'sunshine' and 'play at home'.

Makaton sign for days of the week

Easter signs (Easter, Sunday, Jesus, chick, church, bunny, Friday, chocolate egg mmm, Easter egg)

Uploaded by Bennerley Fields School on 2024-03-21.

Family makaton signs (family, mum, dad, grandad, grandma, brother, sister, uncle, aunt)

Uploaded by Bennerley Fields School on 2024-02-16.

Welcome to our Makaton page.  We will post videos and information to support signing with your child.  

Makaton signs - January 2024

Uploaded by Bennerley Fields School on 2024-01-11.

How are you feeling today? I am feeling hungry, tired, thirsty, sad.

What do you want? I want fruit, biscuit, drink.

Please, thank you.

Christmas Makaton signs

Uploaded by Bennerley Fields School on 2023-12-05.