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Bennerley Fields School

Nurture. Support. Aspire. Achieve.


Welcome to Haddon Class

Welcome to Haddon Class. We are the Key Stage 4 complex needs class that is supported by staff with a wealth of experience to ensure our pupils varying needs are met. We put great emphasis on nurture and supporting sensory needs, whilst also encouraging independence and functional skills.


We always start our day with a form of exercise to get us ready for some great learning throughout the day; this is often a dance routine or sensory circuit activity. Sensory sandwiches are incorporated through the day to help regulate sensory needs.


Our classes are lively, interactive and full of discussion to help support language, communication and social interaction. We have an embedded outdoor learning provision throughout our curriculum on a weekly basis, as well as opportunities for gardening, exercise and Forest School activities throughout the year.


During 2024-2025 we will be covering a range of topics which support holistic, enriching and thought-provoking learning experiences, all linked to acquiring relevant knowledge and skills to prepare them for life beyond Bennerley.

We will also be engaging in some work experience and our yearly Enterprise Initiative.


Important information: 

PE is on a, please ensure kit is ready to hang back on their pegs at the start of each term.

We will be doing Forest School in the summer term; we will let you know about the kit required for this separately.

We will send you updates about your child throughout the week using our class email. If you need to contact us, we check email before and after the school day. If you need to report anything urgent please use the main school email address or phone the office.

16.10.24. Haddon enjoyed exploring equipment for our hobbies framework.

15.10.24 Haddon are becoming master jacket potato makers. All staff look forward to Tuesdays to have them for their lunch, as part of our enterprise initiative.

9.10.24 Today we enjoyed sensory communication through TACPAC with Laura, our TACPAC practitioner.

7.10.24 We engaged our senses with a sensory story called “Listening to my body”. Helping us to identify how different emotions feel inside our bodies.

30.9.24 Today in our PSHE lesson we experienced different dance styles for our topic on trying different hobbies.

30.9.24 To promote our love of reading we visited our school library to explore different books.

25.9.24 Yesterday we had our R.E day and visited our local church.

19.9.24 - Practicing counting on using beads and some outdoor maths learning filling in the missing numbers on a number line.

12.9.24 - In PE, Haddon class practiced intercepting the ball with 2 hands and 1 hand.