Welcome to Shipley Class. We are part of the Willow Department where we put great emphasis on nurture and sensory needs. We offer a bespoke curriculum to support all pupils of varying needs and implement the TEACCH approach, providing our pupils with an organised and structured environment centred around individual skills and interests.
We always start our day with morning greetings, including; singing along to our good morning song, looking at our visual timetable, and using the Zones of regulation board to learn about feelings. We have regular opportunities for brain breaks woven into our timetable and take part in proprioception activities when engaging in daily exercises to help pupils get ready for the days great learning.
We have a fantastic outdoor learning program, which includes Forest schools with our trained Forester providing our pupils with opportunities to experience a natural environment in which to explore. Exciting new weekly outdoor learning sessions for science begin this year and will provide great opportunities to learn new things in practical, hands on lessons.
During 2023-2024 we will be covering a range of topics which support holistic, enriching and thought-provoking learning experiences, all linked to acquiring relevant knowledge and skills:
Autumn 1 – Dinosaur Planet (History Focus)
Autumn 2 – Winter Wonderland (Geography Focus)
Spring 1 – Mighty Machines (D&T Focus)
Spring 2 – Towers, Tunnels and Turrets (History Focus)
Summer 1 – Ready Steady Grow (Science Focus)
Summer 2 – Animal Safari (Geography Focus)
Beyond Bennerley sessions mean we get to experience outside classroom learning and have regular visits into the community to shops and cafes to support pupils in gaining independence and confidence outside of school and home.
Pupils will develop their life skills in the home by participating in activities such as how to wash clothes, use an iron and using a vacuum cleaner.
Important Information
Community visits Monday afternoon
PE is on a Tuesday afternoon - PE kits needed
We will send you updates about your child throughout the week using our class email. If you need to contact us, we check email before and after the school day. If you need to report anything urgent please use the main school email address or phone the office.
26/6/24 - Making sausage rolls in our Beyond Bennerley lesson🧑🍳
12/6/24 - Exploring our new English text “Handa’s Surprise” and doing a scavenger hunt for things from the book
Summer Term 2 Topic - Animal Safari
1/5/24 Making the logo for our enterprise project🐝
19/4/24 Making fruit kebabs for our “healthy eating” RSE topic🫐🍓🍌
17/4/24 Planting flower seeds for our enterprise project.
15/4/24 Buying flower seeds at Shipley garden centre🌷
Summer term 1 topic: Ready, Steady, Grow🌱
11/3/24 Looking for artefacts and exploring at Bolsover castle🏰
7/3/24 Our trip to East Midlands Aeropark✈️
Spring Term 2 Topic - Towers, Tunnels and Turrets
13/2/24 STEM activity day - Making a toolbox
12/2/24 Bird watching at Shipley Country Park.
7/2/24 RE Day at “Christ Church” role playing a Christian Wedding
18/1/24 Mrs Amitage on wheels bike decorating.
16/1/24- Exploring our new book for English- “Mrs Armitage on Wheels”
31/1/24 Shipley’s weekly Forest School with Becky
Spring Term 1 Topic - Mighty Machines!
15/12/23 Science- freezing
29/11/23 - Music- Playing along to “the Snowman” theme tune
28/11/23 - Exploring our new book in English - “Snow Bears”
17/11/23 Children in need - Selfie with Pudsey Bear!
Autumn Term 2 Topic - Winter Wonderland
Shipley class has had had a fabulous first half term and lots of fun learning opportunities during our topic Dinosaur Planet.
For topic sessions we learned about the continents and oceans and identified animals at risk of extinction in different parts of the world and how we can make a difference to their survival in Geography. In History children learned about dinosaurs. When they roamed the Earth up to their extinction. We made fossils and learned about Fossil hunter and Paleontologist Mary Anning. In D&T children planed and designed 'Sockosaurus' puppets and followed instructions to make dinosaur biscuits decorating them to sell at our Dinosaur museum along with displaying lots of their lovely work they have created over the term. A great afternoon was had by all.
In PSHE and RSE children have been learning our Bennerley attitudes and why they are important. We have also enjoyed fun activities to learn and practice good turn taking skills and listening to develop skills for working co-operatively. We have had sessions to learn who is in our family, identifying friendships and different relationships. Our daily sessions give everyone the opportunity to identify and name emotions using the Zones of Regulation to express how they and others are feeling.
This term we have had lots of opportunities to take our learning outside when we used various equipment to measure objects and places around school in maths. We took our exciting English stories outside as we acted out the story 'Where the Wild Things are' in our Forest school learning circle and acted out the fabulous and fun' GIGANTOSAURUS' story building a circuit, hiding under the parachute and being chased around the playground by the real GIGANTOSAOURUS!! We also have lots of outside learning for science looking at patterns in the environment and for Art we looked for leaves to match a colour wheel.
For Our Beyond Bennerley learning we began the school year getting to know new friends and exploring emotions interacting and engaging with our sensory story 'The Colour Monster'. Community visits have provided lots of opportunities to learn about safety and identifying trusted strangers who we can ask for help in various shops. We took a walk around Ilkeston to spot signs and symbols in the community and in local shops. We also enjoyed a snack and drink in Morrisons transferring money skills in a practical functional way.
Our next topic is 'Winter Wonderland' and look forward to another great term.
Have a great half term holiday.
Adele and Shipley class😊