To find the school by SatNav use postcode DE7 8QZ and house number 82 (we are at the very end of Stratford Street).
Click here to see us on Google Maps.
Our admin team will deal with all enquiries in the first instance: Sarah, Ruth, Michelle and Emily
If you need any further information please contact Alex Pawlitta, School Business Manager.
Bennerley Fields School's Headteacher is Jenni Wright, she can be contacted through our school office or by email on .
Bennerley Fields School's SENCO (Special Educational Needs Coordinator) is Anna Shelton. She can be contacted through our school office.
Bennerley Fields School's Chair of Governors is Siobhan Cunningham, she can be contacted by email on .
Paper copies of our policies and web pages may be obtained by contacting the school office.
0115 932 6374
Bennerley Fields School
Stratford Street
To find the school by SatNav use postcode DE7 8QZ and house number 82 (we are at the very end of Stratford Street).
Click here to see us on Google Maps.