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Bennerley Fields School home page

Bennerley Fields School

Nurture. Support. Aspire. Achieve.


Welcome to Duffield Class

Our class ethos


We are an enthusiastic KS2 class of 8 pupils. We enjoy learning and working together in our class team. We follow an exciting varied curriculum, which we are taught through whole class teaching, group work and one to one teaching. We are getting better at understanding and following our routines, which means we are happy and ready to learn every day!

The Bennerley Attitudes, help us to learn to work together and respect each other.

Important class information

Please use the home diaries for communication or you can contact class via the class email address -


We do outdoor learning on Wednesdays with Fiona but also try and get outside for fresh air and learning whenever possible so please send your young person in wearing suitable attire for the activities and all weather types.


Please send your young person in the appropriate clothing for playtimes.


Please send all clothing, hats, wellies, all in one suits, sun cream etc. Please can these be labelled.


We do PE related maths on Friday mornings and a Specific PE subject lesson on Friday afternoons so please send your child into school on Fridays in comfortable clothing and trainers.

W/B 4/2/25 Well-being week

7/2/25- Our contribution to the Big School Birdwatch🐥

4/2/25- Practising our phonics

27/01/25 - Maths - Comparing weights heavy, light, heavier and lighter.

Attention Autism

The Sports Day - Duffield have enjoyed acting out parts of this text together, learning new skills and keeping fit !

16.01.25- We went with a few classes to visit Lea Green soft play centre. Lots of jumping and sliding!

Week of 5/1/25- This week we’ve been sorting our money and naming the different coins🪙

The word mat for our new topic in Spring 1 term- Lets Get Fit!

10th December- Duffield’s trip to Chicken Licken at Derby theatre🐥

W/B 18th Nov- Re-enacting our story “Snore”😴 Duffield loved making the sound effects for our story🎶

14/11/24- Duffield’s trip to Gulliver’s Valley🎢

11/11/24 - learning about Remembrance Sunday and staying quiet and being respectful.

7/11/24 - Geography - looking at maps with keys and finding places on google earth.

4/11/24- Make some noise! We’ve been exploring lots of different sounds in Duffield this week🎶

This half term's Topic is, Make some Noise

22/10/24 - RE - Judaism learning about Sukkhot

10/10/24 - Me and my Memories - Topic and Beyond Bennerley.

In Beyond Bennerley we met some new friends that we named and are going to share some fun experiences with. In our Me and My Memories topic we are looking at the history of toys and we shared our memories of our favourite toys and some even brought them in to make some new memories in school ☺️

04/09/24- What we’ve created this week in Duffield🖌️

30/09/24- Our paper dolls we’ve made and have been playing with while we’ve been looking at “The Paper Dolls” story in English

23/09/24 - Lily brought her baby daughter Harper to visit us today, she is beautiful! We learnt about what a baby needs to be happy and looked after.

20/09/24 - Physical Maths with PE Joe

19/09/24 - Music - Learning and singing Traditional rhymes.

19/09/24 - Wheeley good fun on the playground!

18/09/24 - In this topic we are learning all about growing up and our families.

18/09/24 - Science - Labelling body parts.

16/09/24 - We really enjoyed our first week of learning together in Duffield class!

Our first topic is 'Me and my Memories!' (History focus)