Family And Student Support Team (FASST)
Welcome to the Family and Student Support Team.
We are a team of dedicated and skilled Family and Student Support Workers based at the Esteem academies across Derbyshire, Derby City and Staffordshire. We are part of Esteem Multi-Academy Trust; and while safeguarding is at the core of our provision, we are not a specialist safeguarding and child protection service.
We are trained and skilled at delivering a range of group and one to one support sessions designed to support families and young people who recognise that change is required.
We only work with families and young people currently on role at an Esteem adademy who have consented to the referral. This ensures that positive changes are made with people and not to, or for them.
We offer young people and their families solution focused support to overcome challenges and hurdles. This support can be family or community based or 1:1 sessions. We understand the challenging role of being a parent or carer and trying to balance supporting young people with managing the everyday demands of being an adult!
We use a holistic and flexible approach to empower families and young people to be increasingly self-sufficient. We will work collaboratively with our education colleagues and those from specialist services to ensure the right service at the right time.
We are trained to deliver HOPE, a project that delivers positive outcomes for young people that have an emotional need for support. This service is well established across schools in Staffordshire and we are really pleased to be introducing it to all of our Esteem academies.
We are able to accept referrals from our Esteem colleagues, parents and carers, young people and other professionals. We hold panel meetings to determine that we are the correct service and allocate to the most appropriate member of the team. The panel is made up of our team and representatives from education and health services; this ensures consistency and multi agency decision making. If we are not the right service to help, we will endeavour to find the one who is.
For more information and latest updates, please visit: