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Bennerley Fields School

Nurture. Support. Aspire. Achieve.

Impact Statement

Beyond Careers: Nurturing Skills for Life

Careers Curriculum: Intent, Implementation & Impact Statement



The overarching intent of our careers educational framework is to cater to the diverse needs and aspirations of pupils, offering two distinct pathways - Vocational and Independence - each designed to empower individuals in unique ways.

Vocational Pathway

The Vocational Pathway curriculum seeks to empower pupils with practical skills and knowledge, fostering a sense of purpose and independence in their chosen vocational pursuits. It provides hands-on experiences, personalised guidance, and a comprehensive understanding of vocational pathways, paving the way for successful and fulfilling careers in various vocational fields.


Independence Pathway

The Independence Pathway aims to empower pupils with the knowledge, skills, and confidence necessary to make informed decisions about their future. It fosters self-discovery, promotes lifelong learning, and provides comprehensive resources to instil a sense of independence. The goal is to equip pupils with the tools they need to navigate the world independently, enabling them to pursue a fulfilling life.

The intent of both pathways is to follow these principles:


  1. Inclusive Excellence: Our careers curriculum is designed to cater to the diverse learning needs, abilities, and interests of every pupil. We provide a supportive environment that celebrates individuality and encourages each pupil to reach their full potential. We recognise that every pupil is unique. Our careers curriculum offers flexibility and opportunities for individualised pathways, allowing pupils to explore their interests and passions whilst achieving their goals.
  2. Real-World Relevance: We prioritise practical, experiential learning that connects classroom knowledge to real-life applications. Our careers curriculum empowers pupils with the skills, knowledge, and critical thinking abilities they need to navigate an ever-evolving global landscape and provides opportunities to contribute to their local community in a meaningful way.
  3. Holistic Development: We place great emphasis on self development, not only focusing on qualifications for employment, but placing importance on social, emotional, and physical development. Our careers curriculum encourages creativity, emotional intelligence, teamwork, and physical well-being, ensuring that pupils grow into well-rounded individuals.
  4. Citizenship: We cultivate cultural awareness, empathy, and responsibility. Our careers curriculum instils in pupils an appreciation for diversity, inclusivity, and a commitment to making positive contributions to society.
  5. Collaborative Learning Community: We believe that careers education is a collaborative endeavour. We have developed connections with local employers who host workshops and visits. Together we provide team working opportunities, communication activities, and instil problem-solving skills, preparing pupils for success in their future endeavours. We foster a love for learning that extends far beyond the classroom. Our careers curriculum instils a growth mindset, encouraging pupils to approach challenges with resilience, curiosity, and a thirst for knowledge with can be applied in their future journeys.
  6. Continuous Improvement: Our careers curriculum is designed with our cohorts in mind. It is underpinned by research-based programmes developed within the SEND sector. We further tailor our provision to meet the needs of all our pupils to ensure that they are prepared for life beyond Bennerley Fields. We are committed to ongoing reflection, evaluation, and improvement of our careers curriculum. We seek feedback from pupils, parents, employers, and staff to ensure that it remains relevant and effective.


Through this approach, we aim to inspire a lifelong love for learning, equip pupils with the skills and knowledge they need to thrive in a complex world, and nurture compassionate, responsible citizens.



Vocational Pathway

The Vocational Pathway will be implemented through hands-on experience, personalised guidance, and a 2-year program showcasing their unique career learning journey. Real-world experiences, skill-specific workshops, and mentorship from professionals are integral components of this pathway to encourage practical skills required in the workplace.


Independence Pathway

The Independence Pathway will be implemented through a multifaceted approach, including personalised learning, skill development workshops, and meaningful work-based encounters. Pupils will explore various facets of life, engage in hands-on learning experiences, and receive guidance from mentors to develop skills to enable supported and independent living skills.



Vocational Pathway

The anticipated impact is a cohort of individuals well-equipped with practical skills, a strong sense of purpose, adaptability, and resilience, contributing to a skilled and confident workforce in various vocations.


Independence Pathway

The anticipated impact is a cohort of individuals well-equipped with skills for their chosen future, possessing self-awareness, adaptability, and resilience. The Independence Pathway aims to empower individuals to take charge of their future, leading to a self-reliant and fulfilled sense of being.


In summary, our comprehensive careers framework provides pupils with the tools and guidance they need to excel in their chosen pathways, whether they lean towards vocational pursuits or a holistic journey towards independence. This integrated approach ensures that each pupil can thrive in their unique aspirations and capabilities, fostering a community of empowered and fulfilled individuals. The impact can be shown though pupil case studies and the tracking of destination information over a five year period.