Welcome to Key Stage 4. In Haddon the staff will be:

In KS4 we always try our best, are kind and have fun learning together. We incorporate sensory breaks throughout the day including, sensory workout, body percussion, Go Noodle, Maths songs and breathing exercises. We have daily Maths and English lessons that gives all our pupils the opportunities to achieve accreditations and learn functional skills. In the afternoon we have Science, Beyond Bennerley, Pathway to Adulthood, PE, PSHE, Culture Studies and Careers.
Throughout the year we will aim to out in the community to apply all of the skills we have learnt in a functional way to support their independence and in preparation for their next steps.
Important Information:
P.E kits sent in on Mondays please consisting of suitable footwear, black shorts and white or blue t-shirts.
Could Gold cards be kept in bags at all times please, if students don’t have one please get in touch with Anna or Sarah and they will help with applying for one.
If you are providing a snack for morning break please make sure it is healthy, along with a bottle to be topped up throughout the day with water.
Our functional and vocational subjects will change throughout the year so we will keep you updated via the website. Our first term back we will be learning ICT skills, engaging with different hobbies and acting out the story of 'The 3 Little Pigs'.
This afternoon Haddon went to Ilkeston bowling alley, they had a lovely time.
9.7.24 Our trip to Ilkeston town hall, learning about how people vote and what the mayor does.
8.7.24 Our trip to Chatsworth farm park
5.7.24 - Haddon class took part in a vote after learning about the elections.
27.6.24 In RSE the students have been practicing first aid skills.
20.6.24 - This week Haddon engaged in social story on a ‘visit to the seaside’ and ‘grans visit’.
19/6/24 Today we helped Becky with planting and watering the plants to sell at the B-Fest
13.6.24 Today we have been learning about where potatoes come from, what they need to grow and which is our favourite way to eat them before we planted our own.
6.6.24 - Part of well-being week, Haddon took part in climbing wall, laser tag and aeroball.
22.5.24 - Haddon have been learning about sun safety in PSHE as we are coming into Summer.
13.5.24 - Haddon class enjoyed a sensory story ‘A day at the Stables’ with amazing props sent by Heanor Library.
Haddon have had an exciting day at the Museum of Making in Derby. This was to support our science learning about everyday materials, we identified materials as well as building and making things.
We have been identifying properties of materials after looking at a variety of materials inside and outside.
25.4.24 - This week at our trip to Breadsall Priory we split into 3 groups: one group tidied and cleaned a bedroom ready for the 'profession sporting team' that were using the room that night. another group tidied and got a conference room for an important meeting, they sorted all the teas, coffee, sugar etc into the right pots and put everything back in the room back to the right place. the last group tidied and set out equipment for a circuit training session for a 'professional sporting team', the team kept changing their requests so the group had to do really good listening to instructions to get the room ready to how they wanted it.
We made our first visit to Breadsall Priory hotel where we had a tour, a presentation talking about the history of the hotel and the jobs we will undertake in the next term and an opportunity to ask questions.
17.4.24 We had our first Forest school session exploring different activities.
26.3.24 - Haddon visited the opticians as part of careers looking at the different professionals that help to keep us healthy. We would highly recommend D.I Blows on Bath Street, the staff are very understanding of our students needs in a calm and spacious environment.
22.3.24 - Haddon has been making some Easter crafts in preparation for next week to decorate the hall.
12/3/24 We got up to lots today, including PE, making pizzas, and cleaning up after ourselves
12.3.24 Haddon have been practicing hair washing skills as part of Careers, Nurturing Skills for Life framework.
8.3.24 Haddon had a trip to Shipley Park to do some litter picking.
5.3.24Haddon have been very busy learning household skills such as cleaning, washing and drying pots, vacuuming, sorting dirty laundry and using a washing machine.
29.2.24 - As part of our science topic we have been learning about different rocks. We engaged in some outdoor learning, sorting rocks by size, texture and colour.
14.2.24 - To reinforce our science topic of forces, we did a STEM activity where we made parachutes for eggs and we dropped them from Bennerley viaduct.
13.2.24 We made dog and cat puppets in our STEM afternoon in the Community Room
Today we have been trying different fragrances, when and how to use them, whilst reinforcing the importance of personal hygiene.
5.2.24-9.2.24 - This week Haddon have been to Nottingham Cathedral, they have been to the shop and followed a shopping list. In English , we are looking at the poem ‘Chocolate Cake’, so they kept on theme with this and made chocolate cake where they practiced following written and spoken instructions and different cooking skills.
Sausage plaits were on the menu for Haddons cooking afternoon today.
Haddon enjoyed their lesson learning about onomatopoeia, listening to a range of sounds that sound like the word.
30/1/24 -Haddon class went to Aldi to buy the items on our shopping list to make sausage plaits
A super experience was had by Haddon class today, we visited a hair salon to find out about different equipment used and Lewis and Jack even had their hair washed!
Today in Haddon, we have been chopping and choosing ingredients to make our own pizzas.
Today in Haddon, as part of our ‘Nurturing Skills for Life’ framework. We have been learning about personal grooming: How to wash hair effectively and to sequence the steps. We have also practised good nail care routines.
WC 16.1.24 - A great week of various lessons and activities. In PSHE we talked about what emotions we feel in different situations. In Pathway to adulthood we worked on kitchen hygiene and making vegetable pasta. In science we went around the school using the magnets to see what is magnetic and not magnetic. We also did an attention autism session which magic balloons at the end. In English we have been looking at the Michel Rosen poem ‘No one loves me everyone hates me’.
Our first week back has been busy but wonderful. We have been identifying feelings, learning the process of correctly washing our hands and shopping for ingredients to make tomato soup.
18.12.23 - A week of various Christmas activities. We visited a food bank, made Christmas biscuits and Christmas crafts.
As an end of term treat we were lucky enough to have a trip to Lea Green to engage with some games to support our social, communication and motor skills.
To complete this terms learning about our Solar System, we enjoyed a wonderful trip to The Space Centre. Visiting the Planetarium and engaging with lots of interactive activities.
We had a sensory experience visiting our Solar System, we even had our own Space passports!
Continuing our learning of the Solar System, we all chose a different planet to make a model of.
We had a wonderful visit to Trowell Garden Centre to look at the Christmas decorations with Rufford class.
We followed a plan to create a piece of art using natural materials found in Shipley park.
7.11.23 What an exciting afternoon we have had, visiting the Solar System on a sensory journey.
7.11.23 As part of our careers learning we worked as a team using directional language to find various markers in Shipley park.
We had a lovely afternoon learning all about how to look after horses.
18.10.23 We are becoming expert cake makers in Haddon.
17.10.23 What a beautiful day to visit Attenborough Nature Reserve to look at wild birds as part of our science learning.
17.10.23 We had a lovely visit to Brookfield college, seeing the different areas of learning.
11.10.23. Today we explored an artist called Jackson Pollock
We made a group piece of art with paint and glitter in the style of Jackson Pollock.
10.10.23 Exploring how birds build their nests
This afternoon we looked for birds nests in our forest school area.
5.10.23 - Today we went on an adventure through the park using our telescopes in a sensory story session.
28.9.23 We enjoyed a sensory session of Tacpac at the end of this afternoon.
28.9.23 Haddon class could recognise and describe feelings using “The Colour Monster” story and the Zones of Regulation
Haddon enjoyed meeting some very special visitors today.
As part of our Science learning, Haddon visited a local farm to see which animals give birth to live young and which laid eggs
We've had a wonderful time exploring emotions through 'The Colour Monster, watching 'Fizzing Colours in our bucket activity and making chocolate chip cookies.
Haddon class enjoyed todays challenges of climbing, jumping, running and walking.
Haddon worked hard during the rowing challenge.
This afternoon Haddon class have had a sensory afternoon learning about the Lifecycle of a Butterfly
Haddon enjoyed visiting Erewash Gymnastics centre being challenged with different activities.
We visited Rutland sports centre this afternoon where we were challenged with different exercise activities.
For our challenge today Haddon did a variety of exercises for our super sports day.
Todays challenge for our Haddon class was to engage in a fitness circuit run by Zest Academy.